Liebster Blog Award (An Unofficial About Me Post!)

11:17 AM Serena 3 Comments

I've been trying to find the origins of the Liebster Award so I can give credit where credit is due, but I can't seem to find an original post. Apparently, this has been around forever. So I apologize profusely if these are your graphics I'm stealing. If you'd like me to credit you, let me know! 

Anyway, here are the Liebster Award basics: 

I was nominated by Klaudia @ The Observant Girl Book Reviews. Thanks for the award nomination and the questions, Klaudia! :) You can check out her post here

Let's get to it then! 

Klaudia's Questions:

1. Favorite bookish quote? I don't have a singular very favorite, but I have a few favorites that stand out to me.
"Time to carpe the hell out of this diem." - Alex Bracken, The Darkest Minds
"Quick, make a wish. Take a (second or third or fourth) chance. Remake the world.” - Jandy Nelson, I'll Give You the Sun 
"You could rattle the stars," she whispered. "You could do anything, if only you dared. And deep down, you know it, too. That’s what scares you most.” - Sarah J. Maas, Throne of Glass
"It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them. " - Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

2. Favorite genre to read? Why? I love contemporary. I can't really pinpoint an exact reason why it's my favorite. It 

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? I'm reading The Conspiracy of Us right now, and the characters have just traveled to Paris and I've been researching Paris a lot for a theater production, so I would have to say Paris. It sounds beautiful. 

4. Favorite TV show? OMG, I have so many! Um my top few would be the original CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Dancing With the Stars, and Sherlock!

5. Top three favorite books? (I was going to say one, but I didn't want to be cruel.) OMG. Another hard one! Jellicoe Road definitely. Fangirl and I'll Give You the Sun, maybe? Top three is difficult! 

6. Favorite hobby? Is reading a cop out? Because it is my favorite. I also like online browsing for things I can't afford (LOL) and listening to music. 

7. Hardcover or paperback? I like reading paperbacks better because they're easier to hold, but I like looking at dust jackets on hardcovers too, so I don't know!

8. Any reading habits? Sometimes I'll annotate in the book. *hides from haters*

9. Book boyfriends. All of them, ever. To name a few, Jonah Griggs, Ryan Stone, Cricket Bell, Will Herondale, Jeb Holt, and Chaol Westfall. 

10. Which book broke your heart in half? Recently, I'll Meet You There, but it put my heart back together in the end. 

11. What are your pet peeves? When people don't answer my texts, when people change or cancel plans at the last minute, and when Little Brother leaves our shared bathroom a mess. 

Eleven Facts About Me:

1. I can get my license in April, and I'm super excited about it. 

2. I do theater at my high school. I'm a technician because I'm mildly terrified of acting. 

3. In the past year, my book buying problem has gotten really bad. My TBR is, like, 30+ books deep right now. 

4. I LOVE concerts.

5. NO SHAME love for Taylor Swift and One Direction. 

6. I've wanted to see Taylor live since I was in the fourth grade. 

7. One time I waited in line for five hours to meet Cassandra Clare. I met Tom Felton that day too. 

8. I cry a lot. Because of books, movies, songs. My favorites books have wrinkled pages because I've cried on them so hard. 

9. My favorite animals are tigers, turtles, and penguins. I'm also partial to dolphins. 

10. I'm Disney obsessed. I love Disney movies and Disneyland and would love to go to the Magic Kingdom one day. 

11. Sometimes I say I hate school and that I don't care about it anymore, but in reality I've never let myself drop below a 3.85 GPA. I start to freak out if my grades drop below an 85%. 

My Questions:

1. Who is your ultimate book crush?

2. What fictional character do you think you're the most like and why?

3. If you could live in any fictional world, which would it be?

4. What's your favorite Disney movie and/or character?

5. Who is your favorite author(s)? 

6. (Stealing this one from Klaudia!) What are your favorite bookish quotes?

7. Are you an eReader or physical book person?

8. Why do you like blogging? 

9. If you could be stranded on a desert island with only three books, which would you like them to be? 

10. Which book would you love to see turned into a movie or TV series?

11. What is the best book you've read so far this year? 

I nominate...
(I'm supposed to tag 11 people, but I can't think of 11 people right now (ugh, brain, WORK), so here are six. Sorry if you've already been nominated! Also, if your blog has less than 200 followers, consider yourself nominated as well, if you'd like!)


  1. Hi Serena! I enjoyed reading your responses to my questions! I hope you had fun answering them. I love your bookish quotes (especially from Throne of Glass) and it looks like I should read I'll Give You the Sun, everybody seems to love that one. Your questions look great and I hope your nominees enjoy answering them. :)

    1. I did have fun answering them! I definitely think you should give it a try because it's a really beautiful book. And thanks! I hope so too. :)

  2. Thanks for the nomination! Here is my post!
