Waiting on Wednesday: Revenge, Ice Cream, and Other Things Best Served Cold
Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly feature, hosted by Breaking the Spine, where bloggers share upcoming releases they're eagerly anticipating.This week's pick is:
Revenge, Ice Cream, and Other Things Best Served Cold by Katie Finn
Expected Publication Date: May 5th, 2015
Goodreads / Preorder links: Amazon - Barnes and Noble - The Book Depository

After the humiliating events on the 4th of July, Gemma's trying to handle the fact that Hallie knew who she was all along, and she was the one who stole Teddy from her. Gemma vows revenge, but things get more complicated than she planned. Ford, Gemma’s long-time crush, has arrived in the Hamptons cuter than ever. Josh is refusing to speak to her after she lied to him, and Teddy is playing champion to his beloved Marsh Warbler (in Gemma's backyard, no less).
Gemma and Hallie find themselves locked in an escalating revenge cycle. Just when Gemma thinks she has the upper hand, the biggest bombshell of all is dropped. And it’s one that threatens to change her life forever. This exciting sequel to Broken Hearts, Fences, and Other Things To Mend will leave you begging for the third installment.
Book one in this series left Gemma in a very compromising situation, so I can't wait to see how it plays out in book two. ALSO, Ford <3. DOUBLE ALSO, the series got new covers, so I might have to get Broken Hearts with the cute new cover, too. ;)
What are you waiting on this Wednesday?