ANOTHER Blogging Challenge: 2015 Real Book Challenge

9:06 AM Serena 0 Comments

I've decided to do another reading/blogging challenge this year: the 2015 "Real" Book Challenge hosted by Fiction Fare and Swoony Boys Podcast!

I wanted to join last year but never got around to it, so I was stoked to hear that they're doing it again this year. It's another challenge that's running from January 1st to December 31st, and all you have to do for this challenge is read "real" books. "Real" meaning physical, hold in your hand, flip the pages books. If you're like me and you have TONS of books around the house that you haven't yet read, this challenge is for you! 

If you need more information about the challenge, check out this post

My personal goals for this challenge are:
*41-50 books - Real Book Hoarder
*Reading the Grisha Trilogy, finishing the Gallagher Girls series, and reading the number of other different books that are stacked in my room. 

So yeah, that's it! I'm also doing the Dive Into Diversity Challenge and the 2015 TBR Pile Challenge, and you can check out both of those here